Note: these are based on UK release dates
10. Sinister 2 –
The beigest movie ever.
9. Jupiter Ascending
– That was your last chance, Wachowskis, and you royally blew it.
8. Seventh Son –
Oh, great, another teen franchise based on a boo-zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ
7. Taken 3 – Remember
when Liam Neeson punching foreigners was fun? The film-makers didn’t.
6. Knock Knock – Keanu
Reeves is Nicolas Cage.
5. Fantastic Four –
I’ve never seen a movie more determined to kill itself.
4. Mortdecai –
Enough to make you run home and shave your whole body.
Worst bit: It’s a hard choice between Johnny Depp, Johnny
Depp and Johnny bloody Depp
Full review here
Full review here
3. Solace – Forgot
this existed? I think the actors have, too.
2. Pixels – A
corporate product wearing the freshly harvested skin of an innocent short film.
Worst bit: Too many to choose from, so just draw up a chart
of every scene and throw a dart.
Full review here
Full review here
1. Paranormal
Activity: The Ghost Dimension 3D – I know what you’re thinking: “Really, it’s
not worth getting that annoyed about,
is it?”…you didn’t have to watch it.