The year started off as it should,
Serving all that Oscar-bait could.
There were small indie flicks
And some biopics
But a few of them were actually good!
La La Land took
most of the prizes,
But Moonlight brought
all the surprises.
It’s great specificity
And success for diversity
Gave us all grins like sunrises.
Jackie felt a bit
Maybe it seemed undercooked?
But Portman’s a joy
And that score? Oh boy!
It’s epilogue sure had me spooked.
February never failed to appease;
LEGO Batman bringing
many a wheeze.
Hidden Figures was
Even T2 was
As for John Wick 2:
yes please!
March had a great deal of clout,
With the bleakness of Logan
Kong: Skull Island looked
Beauty and ‘Beast may
But we all know the winner: Get Out!
Things dry up at this point,
As April and May disappoint.
Pirates was a
King Arthur’s no better,
So Colossal’s the
queen I anoint.
And now for summer’s usual haul,
Through franchise fare we must trawl.
The Mummy was a
Transformers 5 even
Was Wonder Woman worth
it all?
So, what’s to look forward to?
Some arthouse, maybe something brand new?
I’m sorry to bore you all,
But I’m that predictable:
It’s Star Wars: The
Last Jedi, woo-hoo!